
A Few Items

Posted in Around The Nation, Around The State, Williamson County at 3:51 pm by wcnews

Quote from yesterday’s TTC hearing:

“Proper infrastructure is owned by the people and managed by the people, not an overseas company,” he said. - Nile Fischer, a special projects manager for state Rep. Lon Burnam, D-Fort Worth.

Another post mortem on the VRA from the HChron:

Less than a month ago, Rep. John Carter, R-Round Rock, delivered himself of the opinion: “I don’t think we have racial bias in Texas anymore.”

His howler was in furtherance of an attempt by some conservative Southern Republicans to thwart extension of sections of the Voting Rights Act that would otherwise expire next year. Their antics delayed the measure for a couple of weeks.

But, lo and behold, come the final vote Thursday, the scales fell from Carter’s eyes and he voted with the vast majority (390-33) to keep the renewable portions of the law in effect until 2032.

It was the right vote but cannot stand without an asterisk.

There was a City Council meeting in Hutto last night about TXU and LCRA powerlines. KXAN has video. (Under Featured Videos, click on New Power Lines Debate).

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