
Toll roads will bring new cases to DA

Posted in Uncategorized at 12:59 pm by wcnews

As if there wasn’t enough to love already about toll roads in Williamson County, and 183A in particular this latest maneuver is what we’ve come to expect, WillCo DA: No more free ride on 183A:

In January the Williamson County District Attorney will begin going after drivers who have used the new 183A toll road without paying and have ignored multiple requests for payment.

“The vast majority of our customers pay for their use of 183A,” said Mike Heiligenstein, executive director of the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority. “Those customers who pay their fair share expect that we are enforcing the law.”

Former Williamson County Commissioner Heiligenstein, now at the CTRMA, has essentially setup a system that will funnel new cases to Williamson County DA John Bradley. It just seems fitting that the the toll road scheme in our county will now become an avenue to bring people into Bradley’s criminal justice system.

The TDP has more on what this will actually entail, Charges to be filed against drivers ducking 183A tolls:

Under the new policy, customers failing to pay a toll bill within 30 days will receive a notice of violation and an additional $15 fee will be added to the original toll bill. Failure to pay a notice of violation within 30 days will result in an additional $15 fee and a final notice of violation.

Failing to pay a final notice of violation within 30 days will result in the vehicle’s registered owner being sent to collections. If the collections process is unsuccessful, the vehicle owner could be charged with a misdemeanor.

There go those small government conservative Republicans, getting government out of our lives again. Makes one long for the days of when we just paid the gas tax, and didn’t have to worry about all this BS.

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