
Mary Beth Harrell Denounces John Carter’s Dirty Tactics, False Claims

Posted in Election 2006 at 8:18 am by wcnews

Mary Beth Harrell obtained a John Carter campaign letter that Republicans throughout District 31 received. Some of the Republicans supporting her received this letter and passed it along to her because they knew what John Carter was saying about her in the letter was false. Her response takes issue with all the false claims in his letter. John Carter is trying to make excuses for the failure, corruption and incompetent leadership on his watch by trying to use shameful conservative campaign tactics to cover up for them. Mary Beth Harrell has a common sense message to get our country back on the right track. It’s a message of Hope, Prosperity, Safety, Freedom, and real Leadership.

The text of her letter is here (.pdf).

1 Comment »

  1. Eye on Williamson » Band Of Brothers To Rally For Mary Beth Harrell Thursday August 3rd said,

    August 1, 2006 at 12:17 pm

    […] As has been reported here several times, most recently this past weekend, John Carter’s recent fund raising letter made false accusations about Mary Beth Harrell. It was also reported that Mary Beth Harrell asked him to rescind those false accusations, which he hasn’t has not done. Her opponent, so far, has not accepted the challenge to debate Mary Beth Harrell. Well the heat is about to be turned up on Mr. Carter. What he may not have realized it that when he attacked a soldier’s mother, especially one who’s son is in a war zone, it’s like attacking all soldiers. […]

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