
Help Save Our State Parks

Posted in Around The State, Election 2006 at 3:38 pm by wcnews

Let’s start with two excerpts from this KEYE story, Money Problems Putting State Parks In Jeopardy:

“(I) Think you got a look at every piece of property you own,” (Gov.) Perry said. “The idea somehow or another no park could ever be sold is bad public policy.”

[…]Perry told reporters Tuesday he thinks alternate money would be located to help fund the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, although he didn’t get specific

If you do nothing else, watch this video, on the possible sale of the Black Gap land in West Texas. Also here’s a little more video from News 8 Austin on the subject.

Before I go any further all the credit for this important issue being covered like it is goes to Glenn Smith, Drive Democracy and the Texas Progress Council.

After sitting through a TTC hearing last night where I heard of another land grab that will benefit the state by allowing corporations to use it to provide us with an economic boon, this is just more of the same and makes me cringe. These two issues are those rare ones that are not partisan. Everyone is for having state parks and park land, first of all, and well funding and maintaining them as well. This land was set aside by Texas’ founders for the enjoyment of the people of Texas and anyone who visits this great state. For this Texas government to sell off this land just because our 40% governor, and his land commissioner, think it’s a good idea, would be like believing him when he tells you your property taxes are going to drop by $2,000.

Anyone who’s studied Texas Government knows that Texas has one of the weakest executives in all of our 50 states. But as Gov. Perry has shown, he can act through executive order when he feels the need is there. Obviously this is not needed as far as he’s concerned. It only seems logical that whether through the enterprise fund or out of our huge surplus, Gov. Perry could give the state parks the money the need until, hopefully, the legislature can remedy this situation.

When Gov. Perry says things like this:

“The Legislature needs to make that decision that they’re going to fund these parks at the level they need to be funded with and to be very open and honest with the people of the state of Texas,”

It’s code for, If you want to spend that kind of money on state parks it’ll cost you when it comes to CHIP, health care, public education, paying for seniors and the less fortunate’s electricity in the summer, etc.

Again after sitting through last nights land grab and now this, I find it truly amazing that anyone would still vote for this guy. Oh yeah, he’s against gay marriage, that’s why.

The governor does what to know what you think, so don’t be shy.

1 Comment »

  1. DriveDemocracy.org said,

    July 26, 2006 at 4:08 pm

    […] Eye On Williamson County […]

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