
Krusee junket to Toronto cancelled after DMN inquiry

Posted in Central Texas, Road Issues, Williamson County at 3:57 pm by dembones

One day after the Dallas Morning News asked lobbyist Dan Shelley why he was planning to take four state lawmakers – including State Rep. Mike Krusee – on a four-day, all-expense-paid trip to Canada, the trip was cancelled. Shelley first made news in 2004 when he left the Spanish company that won the rights to develop the $7 billion Trans-Texas Corridor to work in Governor Rick Perry’s office. Soon after Shelley began working as Perry’s liaison to the legislature, Cintra was awarded the huge highway contract. Today’s DMN is reporting:

Mr. Shelley resigned his state job in September and struck a lobbying deal with Cintra worth between $50,000 and $100,000 to work from March through the end of this year. In addition, his daughter and lobbying partner, Jennifer Shelley-Rodriguez, will earn between $25,000 and $50,000 from the company over the same period, state records show.

According to the DMN, this year Shelley has reported total lobbying income between $550K and $1.1M. It is easy to see where he might have earned the cash to pay for Krusee and three others to visit Toronto to see Cintra’s Highway 407 Electronic Toll Road and interview Ontario government officials.

Krusee declined to speak with the DMN about the trip. Perhaps some of his constituents in district 52 can get in touch with him and request an explanation.

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