Hutto Growth Is Causing Problems, But They Can Be Worked Out
There’s no doubt that Hutto is growing like a weed, as they say, and this AAS article does a pretty good job of chronicling some of the consequences of that growth, Hutto growth triggers action, new alliances.
The reality is, and most people know it, that new power lines and sewer systems have to go somewhere. But unfortunately when there appears to be a conflict of interest with who gets to determine where a sewer line goes, and the placement is to the benefit of an elected official, alliances form.
No matter what you think of Frankie Limmer, and opinions differ (see comments to this post), placement of a sewer or power lines should be done with as much input from those affected as possible, and with as little input as possible from those that will gain as a result. Especially if they’re an elected official, that just looks bad.
This growth, of course, will cause many other problems. School overcrowding, have you seen the portables building all around the schools? Traffic, I’m sure anyone who lives in Hutto is aware of this. More noise, more lights, more people. There are good things, like not having to drive 5 - 10 miles whenever you need something. But these types of transitions are always better with as much support from the people as possible. It can be worked out, with the right leadership and electing Brig Mireles to the Commissioners Court would be a great first step.
dembones said,
August 25, 2006 at 12:41 pm
It is time to elect County Commissioners who will pledge to refuse campaign contributions from those with business before the county. It is time to elect County Commissioners who are willing to treat serving on the court as their full-time job instead of selling off the influence and directing government resources toward their personal real estate developments.
It is time we elect Democrats to the court: Michael Hoffman, Randall Craig and Brig Mireles. Only these candidates are free from the taint that has hung over this court. In a single election the people of Williamson County can clean up county government and start working to solve the problems that have festered under Republican rule.