
Latest TX Gov Zogby Poll, Bell In Second, Perry Under 35%

Posted in Around The State, Election 2006 at 10:47 am by wcnews

The latest Zogby poll has Perry under 35 at 34.8, Chris Bell and Kinky running neck-and-neck for second, and “‘ol What’s Her Name” in the rear view mirror under 10%. It’s time for the anti-TTC vote to coalesce around Chris Bell and the rest of the Democratic anti-TTC candidates - David Van Os and Hank Gilbert - if you want to stop this disaster. Chris Bell as governor with those two by his side and two new state representatives (Karen Felthauser and Jim Stauber) from Williamson County would send a strong message to all politicians in Texas that the TTC is a mistake.

[UPDATE]: Burka Blog reporting that the Democratic money might leave ‘ol What’s Her Name and come back home:

The story has been circulating for a couple of weeks that the big Strayhorn supporters have seen polls showing their candidate lagging in the polls and are contemplating switching their support to Bell. I have resisted blogging about it because my original source was close to Perry, but then a Democratic lobbyist (yes, a few still exist in Austin) told me that a client of his had paid for a poll that showed Strayhorn in third place.

It’s about time.

1 Comment »

  1. Eye on Williamson » Poll Analysis? said,

    August 28, 2006 at 2:59 pm

    […] As today’s Zogby poll of the governor’s race shows, ‘Ol What’s Her Name is fading fast. Expect to start seeing her face on television commercials after Labor Day. She’ll be spending that tax attorney money like it’s going out of style. She’s sitting on such a huge pile of cash, she’ll be able to buy a lot of air time. Her face and voice will be on so many TV screens and radios that by November 7th most Texans will be voting for someone else just so they won’t have to see or listen to her anymore. […]

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