
Reports from yesterday’s rally at T. Don Hutto

Posted in Commentary, Commissioners Court, Good Stuff, Precinct 4, T. Don Hutto, Williamson County at 2:05 pm by wcnews

From News 8, Protesters ask President to shut down T. Don Hutto.

June 20, is World Refugee Day, and protesters gathered in the hot Texas sun Saturday with a message for President Obama.

“Close down T. Don Hutto!” they chanted.

The demonstrators called for the president to shut down the detention center, where refugees, including children, are held.

“President Obama promised change we need, and we’re saying this is change we need now,” rally organizer Jay Johnson-Castro said. “On U.S. soil, deep in the heart of Texas, we’re imprisoning children.”

Here’s a report received via email:

I enjoyed visiting with many of you at the T. Don Hutto protest in Taylor today … it was a rockin’ time, with over 300 people there, many from Houston and South Texas, including the Brown Berets. Jane L. Van Praag made a passionate speech (along with others). I have both video and still photos which will be posted in various places. (The oversight of the court master for the prison (derived from the lawsuit) ends September 1, so there’s a strong effort to get WilCo to amend its contract with the prison before that happens to continue the protections. The women and children behind the razor wire are still vulnerable.) For those of you who haven’t heard it, here’s Si Kahn’s original musical composition on with some pictorial overlay.

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