
AAS - Weakley Reasoned Endorsements in HD-52 & HD 20

Posted in Central Texas, Election 2006, Williamson County at 3:50 pm by wcnews

Here’s the article, Close, intriguing races, they do all of the Central Texas state house races but only HD 52 & 20 will be discussed here.

First HD 52. This has got to be the most idiotic endorsement I’ve ever seen:

Don’t expect Republican Rep. Mike Krusee to back away from the increasingly tough questions about the Trans Texas Corridor. Right now, there is a lot to answer for: which route the multibillion-dollar toll road will take; who must give up their land for it; and just how voters signed off on the funding in 2001 without knowing what they might be paying for.

After seven terms, Krusee, 47, has shown that he is willing to stand up and give voters in Round Rock and eastern Williamson County answers to those questions. Krusee has said the state’s major highways, particularly Interstate 35, must have some relief. Voters will need his stewardship of such a mammoth and controversial undertaking and he should be given another term.

In addition to her opposition to the Trans Texas Corridor, Karen Felthauser, Krusee’s Democratic opponent for a second time, has called for public school reform and teacher pay increases. Felthauser, 52, is a substitute teacher and a member of two of the state’s leading teachers unions.

Lillian Simmons, 43, is the Libertarian in this race.

Let me see if I’ve got this right. He has all that to answer for, which he hasn’t answered for, and he sticks up for Round Rock and eastern Williamson by running a massive corridor through their land and running toll road scams? Those are the exact reason no one should vote for him! They definitely could have said something about how all of the Round Rock education community is backing Karen Felthauser. And remember all you anti-TTC, ‘ol What’s Her Name supporters, even though Felthauser is for much more than what’s highlighted above, that is what ‘ol What’s Her Name’s is campaigning on.

Now HD 20:

Quietly and quickly, Republican state Rep. Dan Gattis, 38, has become a leader in the House, balancing a conservative philosophy with an eagerness to work with legislators of both parties on legislation beneficial to this region of Texas. We particularly applaud his staunch support for openness and accountability in state government. The voters in Milam and part of Williamson County will benefit from his continued leadership.

The Democratic opponent, first-time candidate Jim Stauber, 64, describes himself as a fiscal conservative. The former United Auto Workers Union member would be tough on illegal immigration because of the jobs lost to American labor. Gattis is the voters best choice in this race.

That’s it? That’s all they could come up with? Well I assure you that Jim Stauber is for open government and will work in a bipartisan fashion to pass legislation. But Jim Stauber is for public education and against vouchers which Dan Gattis is a leader in trying to get passed.

Karen Felthauser and Jim Stauber are the best choices in these two races. It looks like the AAS did Cliffs Notes version of these two races. They just mailed it in.

1 Comment »

  1. Eye on Williamson » Felthauser Sets The Record Straight On AAS Endorsement In HD 52 said,

    October 24, 2006 at 3:45 pm

    […] Here’s it what Karen Felthauser sent to the AAS regarding their endorsement in HD 52. Which they have yet to print: I have not called for school “reform”. On my web site, I say “Our schools have been reformed to death with endless paperwork and mandatory testing.” Rather, I have called for funding our schools…a novel idea for current representatives who have put Texas 40th in per pupil funding, 50th in high school graduation rates and 49th in SAT scores. I have been endorsed by Education Round Rock, the Texas Federation of Teachers and the Texas State Teachers Association. […]

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