
More Of The Same If Perry and Craddick Stay In Power

Posted in Around The State, Commentary, Election 2006 at 9:48 am by wcnews

No teacher pay raises were even discussed in this article, Perry talks more tax cuts as surplus grows. Nothing about putting money back in CHIP. Speaker Craddick also gave a speech on what he would do with this money, (.pdf), BOR reports on that here. Speaker Craddick says the decrease in CHIP enrollment is a result of the economy. Wrong, it’s the permanent wall. Just read this from yesterday. It’s the new rules that the GOP put in place that decreased CHIP enrollment.

So if you’re for giving teachers a raise, funding public schools and health care for children then you must vote for Democrats, you can’t vote for Republicans. After all this surplus was created by the budget cutting they did back in ’03 - taking away children’s health care, CHIP, and not funding public schools. They’re more worried about business taxes then about what really needs to be done.

The choice is simple. More of the same (GOP), or what is right for Texas (Democrats)?

1 Comment »

  1. The Local Crank said,

    October 26, 2006 at 10:00 am

    The ghost of Arlene Wohlgemuth rides again. Why do Republicans hate children? And why are so many Texans dumb enough to support their radical, anti-Christian, un-American agenda?

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