
Had Enough Yet?

Posted in Election 2006, Uncategorized at 4:59 pm by wcnews

That’s the question on the ballot Tuesday for the United States,Texas, and Williamson County, that we’re all waiting to hear the answer to. Are you fed up with government - federal, state and local - that is bought and paid for by highest bidder? That is unresponsive to it’s constituents? That has left the common person, the farmer, the middle class, and the family behind? That rubber stamps a President to torture, wiretap US citizens, and ends the writ of habeas corpus - a must for any free society - and judicial review as we know it?

You do have choices for change this election. All statewide races, US Senate, Congress, state Senate and House, and County Commissioner’s races all have Democratic candidates on the ballot. They are untainted by scandal and corruption.

Predictions? No, not here. Just hopes. Hope for leaders that let America be what it once was, the beacon of hope in the world. Hope for a two-party system with oversight for all. Hope for public schools, teachers, children to become a priority over corporate greed and government corruption. Hope for a swift end to a senseless war. Hope that my generation, like my parents generation, can get back to the business of making sure our children grow up in a country, and a world, better than the one in which we did.

I believe that our current leadership - federal, state, and local - have nothing but their own interests at heart and they have done enough and it’s time for them to go. Had enough yet? I’ve had more than enough.

Click here to find your polling place. Vote.

1 Comment »

  1. webslinger said,

    November 8, 2006 at 9:53 am

    sadly, the knuckle-draggers, aka “Leanderthals” answered “No” Still, I take solice in the fact that nationally, the Dems will control congress (I say Testor and Webb won) and that at least most of the Leander bond initiaitves passed.

    Times are changing, maybe next time we’ll get em.

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