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Posted in 2010 Primary, Commentary, District 31, Good Stuff, Health Care, Insurance Reform, Transportation, Williamson County at 3:19 pm by wcnews

6.474, (2.8%) [.pdf], turnout to vote early in Williamson County.

Waco Trib editorial yesterday on Rep. John Carter’s (R-Round Rock) financial disclosure woes, Expecting better of lawmakers and those who would join them.

Do we simply expect too much of our representatives and those who would sit among them? We sure hope not.

Yet this question arises too often nowadays, most recently here in Central Texas. For instance, U.S. Rep. John Carter, R-Round Rock, reportedly forgot to declare $300,000 in sales of Exxon stock, even as he was taking the floor of the House of Representatives to lambast Rep. Charlie Rangel, D-New York, for failing to pay taxes on a far richer variety of undisclosed assets and income.

Initially Carter denied any problem existed, then acknowledged what he now says was an oversight.

Pot calling the kettle black? No doubt, though Carter, a former judge and stalwart conservative who has led the commendable efforts to force Rangel from his tax-writing chairmanship of the House Ways and Means Committee, notes that he paid all taxes on his income, whereas Rangel did not.

Even so, the situation clearly highlights the carelessness (or worse) that so many of our lawmakers display these days, writing complex laws laced with loopholes and claiming complicated policy insights when they themselves can’t or won’t meet the very restrictions they set for everybody else.

FireDogLake points out that, CBS Lets Lieberman Lie About the CBO Analysis of Public Option Premiums.

CBPP has more good news on the House health care proposal, House Health Reform Bill Expands Coverage and Lowers Health Cost Growth, While Reducing Deficits.

Hank Gilbert is ready to debate, Gilbert Challenges Democratic Rivals To Ten Debates Across Texas.


Noting that Democratic Primary voters need to be as informed as possible about the candidates seeking his party’s nomination for Texas Governor, Hank Gilbert on Monday challenged Democrats seeking the party’s nomination for governor to ten debates across Texas.

“Democrats across Texas deserve the opportunity to hear from the large number of candidates in this field—in person,” Gilbert said. “My opponents should welcome this opportunity to put themselves and their issues before Democratic Primary voters,” Gilbert said. “We’re ready, willing, and able to debate them anywhere, any time,” he continued.

Specifically, Gilbert challenged fellow candidates Tom Schieffer, Kinky Friedman, and Felix Alvarado to ten debates on a wide range of issues and in different formats throughout January and February.

In RRL Op-Ed Williamson County Precinct 1 Commissioner Lisa Birkman says, “I would like to hear from you on how you think we should fund transportation projects in the future”. She needs to check out Hank Gilbert’s plan.

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