
GOP divisions can bring Democratic gains in Texas

Posted in 2010 Primary, Around The State, Bad Government Republicans, Commentary, Election 2010, Privatization, Road Issues, Transportation at 12:51 pm by wcnews

There are vast opportunities for Democrats to draw stark lines between how they will govern differently than the GOP in Texas has. It will involve taking a few risks and changing the frame through which issues are discussed. No issue sets up better for Democrats in Texas than the one that is currently causing a snit between the two top GOP candidates for Governor of Texas - the neglect of transportation funding in Texas.

The neglect of our transportation system in Texas, since the GOP takeover, is a great example of how Republicans are unable to govern in Texas. As Eliot Shapleigh has done so well of documenting in his book, Getting out of…Grover’s Tub. In this chapter called, “Pit Bulls on the Turnpike“:

In Texas, 77,000 miles of state and federal highways have been constructed since the Texas Highway Department was created in 1917. Our road and bridge system was once described as the crown jewel of the 50 states. But after fifteen long years of Grover Norquist-style leadership, Texas highways are now a mess.

Nearly a quarter of a century ago, a handful of lawmakers embraced this philosophy, calling themselves the “Pit Bulls.” They set out to cut taxes for the wealthy, and then cut budgets for Texas. One key mantra of the Pit Bulls was to privatize whatever government function or service possible. Years later, dozens of House members signed the Norquist pledge to “never raise taxes.” Two of these Pit Bulls were Rick Perry and the late TxDOT Commission Chairman, Ric Williamson.

Today, years after the Pit Bulls first pledged to “drown” government, the Texas highway system is itself under water.

It’s clear their plan to show that government is the problem by governing bad is working. While Republican candidates in Texas - excluding, finally, state Sen. John Carona - won’t discuss raising the gas tax to pay for highways, they’ve boxed themselves into a toll or nothing solution in an attempt to fix transportation funding in Texas. They’ll try and tell us that bringing home more of our Federal dollars can fill the gap. If that didn’t change when Bush, Hutchison, Cornyn, etc… were in D.C. it’s not going to happen anytime soon. Also the GOP has been unable to stop diversions because that’s what’s kept them from having to raise taxes. (Though all fees in Texas have skyrocketed since the GOP took over in Texas). Again from Shapeligh:

What happened here? Diversion happened. Grover’s disciples diverted highway money to pay for other budget needs. Approximately $2.9 billion of gas tax money designated for roads is diverted every biennium to pay for “other services.” For example, $1.144 billion goes to fund the Department of Public Safety, and another 25% of the gas tax goes to pay for public schools. Another $100 million goes toward buying helicopters and other equipment to patrol border counties, and even the Commission of the Arts gets $1.34 million. Over 10 years, more than $11.2 billion has been diverted from the highway fund to pay for other things.

Shackled by their no-new tax pledge, Norquist’s Pit Bulls rob from Peter to pay Paul. Without courage to identify clear needs, raise revenues and fund the basic needs of a growing state, they simply rearrange the deck chairs using existing revenues. And that’s why Texas highways are in Grover’s tub today.

While Hutchison and Perry are getting the tradmed’s attention for brawling over transportation, it’s not doing either of them any good. Hutchison seems to be fighting with the same ammo that was used in 2006 (Kill the TTC, stop diversions, keep fed $$), and that won’t do her much good. And Perry just doing the saying the same thing, and promising nothing.

Where the Democrats must change the game is by going back and explaining to the public how our state’s great roads of the past were funded and kept up. The vast majority of Texans don’t have a problem paying for roads with tax money. Those who can’t see that building a good transpiration infrastructure is something that benefits all Texans are in the minority. Hank Gilbert’s transportation plan is easily the best plan that’s been put forth in this state in decades to pay for roads. Let’s hope the eventual Democratic nominee will take up a similar plan and seize the opportunity to change the direction of our state’s government.

Using issues like transportation to show how the Texas GOP’s philosophy of government is fatally flawed can only help Democrats in the future.


  1. Eye on Williamson » Texas Blog Round Up (January 11, 2010) said,

    January 11, 2010 at 9:52 am

    […] WCNews at Eye On Williamson posts on the Texas GOP’s inability to govern and the opportunities that provides for Democrats, GOP divisions can bring Democratic gains in Texas. […]

  2. Texas Progressive Alliance « TexasVox: The Voice of Public Citizen in Texas said,

    January 11, 2010 at 11:15 am

    […] WCNews at Eye On Williamson posts on the Texas GOP’s inability to govern and the opportunities that provides for Democrats, GOP divisions can bring Democratic gains in Texas. […]

  3. Texas blog roundup for the week of January 11 - Off the Kuff said,

    January 12, 2010 at 6:28 am

    […] WCNews at Eye On Williamson posts on the Texas GOP’s inability to govern and the opportunities that provides for Democrats, GOP divisions can bring Democratic gains in Texas. […]

  4. Texas Progressive Alliance W/ Picture Of Texas State Plant « Texas Liberal said,

    January 17, 2010 at 5:07 pm

    […] WCNews at Eye On Williamson posts on the Texas GOP’s inability to govern and the opportunities that provides for Democrats: GOP divisions can bring Democratic gains in Texas. […]

  5. Texas Progressive Alliance Round-Up W/ Picture Of Texas State Plant « Texas Liberal said,

    January 17, 2010 at 5:08 pm

    […] WCNews at Eye On Williamson posts on the Texas GOP’s inability to govern and the opportunities that provides for Democrats: GOP divisions can bring Democratic gains in Texas. […]

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