
Accenture Deal Cut By $356 Million

Posted in Around The State, Corruption at 11:08 pm by wcnews

AAS has the details, State chops public assistance deal with private group:

The announcement, made when some state lawmakers had already shut their offices for the holidays, comes just before the legislative session begins in January, when the Accenture deal was expected to be a hot topic.Under the new agreement, the state will recover $30 million in costs through service credits and discounts.

Part of that is to compensate the state for the money it expected to save but didn’t.

State officials had projected $646 million in savings over five years. No savings have materialized.

Remember from today’s earlier post Mr. Hawkins was unavailable for comment on the fraud report. Now we know why.

1 Comment »

  1. Eye on Williamson » Perry Wants To Sell The State Lottery said,

    February 2, 2007 at 12:03 pm

    […] AAS has the story, Perry weighs odds on selling lottery. This is a bad idea for several reasons. The main reason being that these deals never turn out to be the great deal we, the taxpayers, are told they will be. The part of this that’s the most interesting is that the state will lose control of how the lottery is operated and the havoc it will play with the future casino gambling in Texas. But there are other considerations besides money. […]

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