
Texas can do better than Perry

Posted in Around The State, Cronyism, Money In Politics at 11:44 am by wcnews

Via Texas on the Potomac, Perry named one of worst governors by national ethics watchdog group.

Newsweek’s cover boy, Rick Perry, just got some more national publicity. And it’s probably the kind of attention the Texas governor would rather avoid.

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, the nonpartisan watchdog group that has hounded politicians from both parties, this morning chose Perry as one of “the nation’s most incompetent and unethical governors.”

Perry’s office dismissed the report and a spokesman said that the GOP governor has “one of the strictest ethics policies in the nation.”

The “winning” list of 11 governors — including nine Republicans and two Democrats — is composed of elected officials “who have pushed their states’ best interests aside in favor of their supporters, families, political parties and bank accounts,” CREW said in its announcement.

CREW singled out six Perry controversies. Among them, the group said that the governor “allegedly disregarded campaign finance laws and aided a business that was especially generous to his campaign” and “accepted travel and campaign donations from a business that received benefits from his official actions.

Here’s the link to Perry on CREW’s web site. And there’s more on Perry, So you want freedom of speech? Fill out these forms, and here, www.billymitchellsworld.com.

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