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Posted in Around The Nation, Around The State at 12:44 pm by wcnews

Radnofsky: Forensic commission should resist expanding chairman’s power

Democratic Texas Attorney General candidate Barabara Ann Radnofsky has a column on “Secrecy and Science” at Politics Daily focusing on the Texas Forensic Science Commission and the Todd Willingham case. She points out that Williamson County DA and Commission Chair John Bradley

TxDOT’s shell game

State Sens. Jeff Wentworth and Wendy Davis, and State Rep. Ruth Jones McClendon show in this op-ed how TxDOT is trying to move money that the Lege specifically designated for rail to roads.

Sunday Snooze Talk: The Skewpot

More than four decades after the civil rights movement and the second wave of feminism delivered two new paradigms to the nation, my survey of the past 16 months of six Sunday television talk shows found them still to be dominated by men, whites and Republicans, particularly right-wing Republicans, with a geographical bias for the East and Midwest. This was true of the guests, reporters and pundits.

Robert Samuelson Didn’t Hear About the Recession

Big Government Paul Krugman

More on CU and Kagan Coming

Immigration divides loyalist, GOP

Rift in Round Rock Fire Department

Slater: On some of Perry’s attack lines on White, differences are minimal

Dean Baker on Rachel Maddow: Wall Street’s Cred is “Shattered”

Pre-Emption Deal in the Works?

‘13 Bankers,’ Financialization and the Real Economy

Knowing me, knowing the Teabaggers, ah ha

Really disgusting what BP did here, Blast Survivors Kept Isolated On Gulf For Hours

The Tea Party Jacobins

A Reality Check on Health Reform

RNC looks at 122 Democrat targets in the House

Silverstein: ‘Oil Industry Fights Anti-Corruption Measure’

10 Percent of Americans Are Morans

Now we finally know the size of Fox News/Limbaugh’s audience, and it ain’t a majority of Americans by a long, long, long shot: Ten percent of Americans believe environmentalists intentionally sabotaged the oil rig Deepwater Horizon off the Gulf Coast according to a poll released Tuesday, apparently as part of a ploy to reduce Americans’ support for offshore drilling. The surprising finding was contained in a poll released Tuesday by Public Policy Polling. Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh floated the idea on his nationally syndicated talk show. If I were a dishonest, lying son of a you know what, I’d go into the right wing hate talk radio racket. It’s an easy gig. You can make bullshit up off the top of your head, abuse prescription drugs all you want, sexually harass the women who work for you, and never, ever have to worry about facts. Too bad I have a conscience. Damn you Jiminy Cricket!

Much more in the extended entry.

Tea Parties Rage as Taxes Hit Lowest Level Since 1950

The Kagan Debate on the Left

William Ayers on Terrorism

Book Review: 11 On My Own

Catholic education is in ‘mission confusion,’ says longtime educator

Williamson, Travis counties differ on immigrant health insurance

Why is it so hard for the press to ask such an easy question?

Indigent defense, child victims up for discussion in House, Senate tomorrow

2010 ‘Winger Survival Guide

Galbraith: The danger posed by the deficit ‘is zero’

Dispelling Confusion About New CBO Letter on Health Reform Law

Home Composting: Everyone Should be Doing It

Jon Kiriakou: Libby Knew Plame Was Covert

What Is Responsible Fiscal Policy?

U.S. Census analysis on 2008 presidential race reveals young Latino voters hold key to future elections

FDR’s First Midterm Elections Paved the Way for the “Second New Deal”

The Deficit Problem Is Not “We, the People,” It is “You, the Incompetent Elite”

Peter Peterson Wants to Cut Social Security

In Corpus Christi, Texas Streetcars rumbled in Teens, Twenties

Growing Up Hippie in the 1970’s

Report: Drug war a failure

TNR: Where Obama should shove his plea for civility

Go Republican Go Big

All populist anger must be right wing

Wall Street Reform Package Is Being Toughened By Public Debate

GOP blocks the Big Oil Bailout Prevention Act

Congressional Oversight Panel Evaluates TARP’s Impact on the Small Business Credit Crunch

Racism isn’t accidental

Five Reasons Republicans Shouldn’t Be So Confident about November

Online-Only Politics in Texas? Find Out More on Thursday

Political Reform

A New Round of Old Questions on Health Insurance Reform

Why Libertarianism Doesn’t Work, Part N

Tomgram: Greg Grandin, Does the Tea Party Run on Race?

Wall Street reform is complicated, so why should the press even bother with it?

Making Sense of Storytelling in Changing Times

Rich Progressives Vow Donor Strike In Effort To Push Public Financing For Campaigns

Soaring Health Insurance Profits Fuel Push To Limit Rate Hikes

REA marks 75 years of electrifying rural America

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