
The Rebates Are Coming, The Rebates Are Coming

Posted in The Budget, Commentary, Around The State, The Lege at 12:23 am by wcnews

Both the AAS and the HChron are reporting on their political blogs that a think tank setup to call for the surplus to be returned to taxpayers is, in fact, calling for the surplus to be returned to taxpayers. (Whether their is a surplus is disputed by their foil). The think tank is a recently created spin off of the wing-nut, Leinginger funded, think tank the TPPF. Damn Leininger has” a lot of money. The former vice president of the TPPF is now the CEO & President of this think tank and the two others listed on their web site are currently or formerly affiliated with the TPPF. Gee, I can’t wait to see where they stand on vouchers.

Both of these papers political blogs (AAS, HChron) reported on the new think tank when it’s creation was announced. Just posting this like the commenter to the above HChron piece said:

Another fake conservative advocacy group? One funding source. One active person. And reporters eat up their drivel and present them as newsworthy and significant.

Another echo in the wing-nut, “think tank” morass and we’re supposed to buy it as news.

About those rebates. First, let’s not forget that the budget cuts from a few years ago are much of the reason these surpluses exist. Slashing CHIP and many other social programs should be restored now that we have “extra” money.

This new think tank’s strategy is to target 8 GOP state senators:

Michael Quinn Sullivan said eight senatorial districts were selected for this communication effort, given the senators’ unique roles as committee chairs, serving on the Finance Committee, and leadership. The senators are Kim Brimer, John Carona, Robert Duncan, Kyle Janek, Jane Nelson, Steve Ogden, Florence Shapiro and Tommy Williams.

“These senators are men and women of good will seeking to do the right thing for Texas’ taxpayers. They need to know their constituents support efforts to make returning the surplus to taxpayers a higher priority than growing the size of government,” he said.

Hmmm…wonder what will happen to these “men and women of good will” if they don’t heed this Leininger-esque think tank’s call? It appears they’ve got a lot of money, and a lot more targeting coming:

This initial mail program will be followed by similar informational efforts in other House and Senate districts. Sullivan noted that TFR will be rating legislators’ votes on tax relief and other budget reform issues.

Oh crap, more junk mail.


  1. Eye on Williamson » Prospect For Rebate Checks Slim said,

    January 29, 2007 at 12:10 pm

    […] In a follow-up to this post, The Rebates Are Coming, The Rebates Are Coming. Here’s the latest on Gov. Perry and his band of “wing-nuts” attempt at rebate checks, Rebates not seen as a top priority: Gov. Rick Perry thinks lawmakers should be allowed to rebate money directly to taxpayers, but the check is far from being in the mail. […]

  2. Eye on Williamson » Summer (Texas) House News said,

    August 6, 2007 at 12:24 pm

    […] First let’s not forget that Mr. Sullivan is the former head of the Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF), a Leininger funded right wing […]

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