
Perry and Nugent, Friends Forever

Posted in Around The State, Commentary at 11:07 pm by wcnews

From the Startlegram, Nugent: Perry supports waving Confederate flag.

Rocker Ted Nugent said Monday that Gov. Rick Perry wants him to deliver this blunt message to anyone who didn’t like the Confederate flag T-shirt the performer wore at the Republican inaugural ball in Austin last week: “Drop dead.”

Perry aides gave a slightly different account, but agreed the two talked and said the governor defended Nugent’s right to wave the Confederate flag and to be controversial.


Nugent fired back a double-barreled blast at his critics, saying he is coming under fire from liberals because he has become an effective spokesman for causes they abhor — particularly the promotion of gun rights and hunting. He invited them to visit his Web site, www.tednugent.com, to come find him and confront him in person.

“I cannot be destroyed. I cannot be silenced. I cannot be compromised,” Nugent said. “And if you desire to do so, by all means examine my schedule and let’s get it on. And here’s the bottom line: They have to call me a racist in the convenient insulation of distance from their putridity of abuse of the First Amendment.”

Ted, there are plenty of liberals that have no problem with guns or hunting, this one included. Also, no one’s trying to silence you. Just thought it was a hypocritical for a governor who’s trying to promote equality to have this at his innaugural, that’s all.

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