Perry’s money troubles getting worse
Bill White is calling for a full, state and federal, investigation into Perry’s possible public corruption, White calls for investigation into Perry public corruption scandal.
Bill White called for an immediate state and federal investigation, and one of the nation’s preeminent criminal defense lawyers weighed in today as Rick Perry stonewalls questions about the public corruption scandal.
Perry handed out $16 million in taxpayer dollars from a high tech fund to companies tied to his top political contributors.
“This is the kind of thing a Public Integrity Unit ought to investigate. If the fundraisers promised or suggested that grants would go to political donors and then that happened, that’s criminal, plain and simple,” said Dick DeGuerin.
DeGuerin has defended Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison and Representative Tom DeLay and was recently named one of the 25 Greatest Texas Lawyers of the Past Quarter Century.
“Perry’s had 48 hours. He’s stonewalling simple questions and refusing to release documents revealing the investors in companies getting taxpayer dollars. The Travis County DA and the Department of Justice should investigate,” said White.
“Will Perry explain what investments his family had in companies associated with his donors, companies benefiting from taxpayer subsidies?” asked White, continuing a series of Rick Perry’s Unanswered Questions with #9.
White’s call for an investigation comes after explosive reports in the Dallas Morning News showed $16 million in taxpayer handouts to companies tied to Perry’s major campaign donors, including one very cozy relationship that yielded $6.5 million in benefits for a single contributor.
The reports have raised serious ethical and conflict of interest questions about Perry and his staff. Since the news broke, the governor’s office has been on lockdown in an effort to keep the scandal from damaging Perry’s campaign.
For anyone who is not aware of what is going on here are several good places to start:
Rick Perry Goes Boss Tweed on Us.
Tom Delay’s Lawyer, Dick Deguerin, Calls for Investigation Into Rick Perry’s ETF Scandal.
Rick Perry is selling the governor’s office for campaign cash.
What do Tom DeLay, Kay Bailey Hutchison & Bill White have in common?.