Executive committee appoints new county chair
The Williamson County Democratic Party met Thursday to appoint Brian Hamon to fill the unexpired term as chairman. A software engineer from Round Rock with a background in communications, Hamon takes over after the abrupt departure of Greg Windham, who resigned Tuesday. In a press release, the party says it “has not missed a beat since the resignation of its former chair and is delighted to have Mr. Hamon taking the lead in our continuing effort to elect Democratic candidates in the county, in judicial and SBOE districts, and throughout the state.”
“The executive committee sent a strong message to Democrats in Williamson County: We will fight for you. For better schools. For better jobs. For better government,” Hamon said. “The Democratic Party has an exceptionally qualified slate of candidates running for local office. We will work around the clock during the remaining days until election day to get out our message of competence, fairness and transparency in government.”
The full press release is below the fold.
Important disclosure: Brian Hamon is the co-editor of Eye On Williamson, posting under the handle “dembones”.
PRESS RELEASE: October 21, 2010
SUBJECT: Election of New County Chair for the Williamson County Democratic Party
FROM: The Williamson County Democratic Party
The Williamson County Democratic Party (WCDP) tonight reached into an abundant collection of talented and strong leaders to elect one of its number to lead the party through the final stages of the campaign season and forward into the future. We are proud to announce the unanimous election of Mr. Brian Hamon to serve as the new County Chair of the WCDP.
Mr. Hamon is a long-time member of the party with a history of Democratic activism. Four years ago, he was elected to serve as a Democratic Party precinct chair in Williamson County. He quickly became an important and active member of the party, serving on numerous committees, most recently on the WCDP Communication Committee. His technology skills and communication background enabled him to develop several software programs for the party and its precinct chairs, including programs to assist with the GOTV effort and coordination of delegates for the county conventions.
In 2008, Mr. Hamon was elected to represent Senate District 5 on the State Democratic Executive Committee and he was reelected to that position in 2010. At this time he is the Chair of the State Party’s Grassroots Committee and a member of the Majority Builder Committee.
The Williamson County Democratic Party has not missed a beat since the resignation of its former chair and is delighted to have Mr. Hamon taking the lead in our continuing effort to elect Democratic candidates in the county, in judicial and SBOE districts, and throughout the state.
Brian Hamon, County Chair
Luis Zervigon, First Vice Chair
Paul Stempko, Second Vice Chair
Williamson County Democratic Party