
It’s Time For Williamson County Government To Grow Up

Posted in Commentary, Williamson County at 11:08 am by wcnews

The lock-step voting patterns in Williamson County are amazing and frightening at the same time. The lack of accountability and oversight it has on elected officials is, well, very un-democratic, let’s say. Reading through this article, WilCo, Texas Fair Defense Project Duke It Out, it became clear why so many in Williamson County must vote the way they do. Most citizens of Williamson County must not know what a childish bunch of people we have running our county’s government. When any governmental entity - be it federal, state, or local - screws up and gets caught denying the accused their constitutional rights they shouldn’t start toying with the justice system. The right thing to do is to admit they were wrong, stop doing it and move on.

Williamson County is attempting to discredit the Texas Fair Defense Project by alleging ethics violations in a complaint cloaked in secrecy, one that is still pending before the Texas Supreme Court’s Unauthorized Practice of Law Committee months after it was made.


According to at least one relevant source, WilCo may have little basis for accusing TFDP of “disruptive” behavior. According to a spokesman with the Texas Commission on Judicial Conduct, who did not want his name published and who spoke only generally, “No statewide rule bars whispering, talking with defendants outside the courtroom, looking at them one way or the other. If a defendant looked at someone in the audience like he was going to hurt that person, then, maybe.”

It’s been mentioned here many times about how the growing pains Williamson County is experiencing - going from a mostly rural, small population to a more urban, suburban, and much larger population - are causing problems for the county. Doin’ bidness the ‘ol fashion way in the courtroom will no longer be an option because of the increased scrutiny that comes with this growth. Abiding by the constitution will need to be the rule now.

Whether it’s this or how the county has dealt with the Constable Gary Griffin, or the issue of imprisoning children and families, it’s time for Williamson County and those in it’s government to grow up. It’s time to deal with problems out in the open and involve the citizens of the county, the people these elected officials work for in case they forgot, and who will, hopefully, start paying attention and change their voting patterns.


  1. Eye on Williamson » Probation Reform? Not In Williamson County said,

    February 22, 2007 at 4:34 pm

    [...] This is just another case that highlights the bad leadership we have in Williamson County. [...]

  2. Eye on Williamson » The Upside-Down World Of Williamson County said,

    December 6, 2007 at 10:42 am

    [...] has long been known for it’s “hangin’ judges” and harsh sentences but this is just plain childish. I’m sure someone like our esteemed Congressman and former Judge, Rep. John Carter is [...]

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