
What Toll Roads Are All About

Posted in Around The Nation, Around The State, Privatization, Road Issues, Uncategorized at 1:29 pm by wcnews

From Pat Driscoll’s blog Move It!, Profits over motorists?

A national push to privatize roads will help ensure profits for private companies and quick cash for governments, but motorists will be the losers, says a new coalition of highway user groups.

Americans for a Strong National Highway Network sent a letter dated Feb. 8 to U.S. Secretary of Transportation Mary Peters, raising concerns about a recent federal blueprint to make it easier for state legislatures to jump into privatization.


“The companies investing in our roads want to induce congestion on the roads they profit from, not reduce it. Their profits are derived from high traffic volumes and high tolls,” Todd Spencer of the Independent Drivers Association is quoted as saying. “We recognize elected officials are confronted with difficult funding decisions, but these deals are akin to a pawn-shop mentality of hocking your assets for cash now.”

It’s all about money, and has nothing to do with easing congestion? Say it isn’t so.

1 Comment »

  1. OOIDA said,

    February 14, 2007 at 11:40 am

    Go to http://www.ooida.com or http://www.landlinemag.com for more info on a poll of Indiana voters and a group against privatization.

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