
Somebody’s Feeling Left Out

Posted in The Budget, 80th Legislature at 2:17 pm by wcnews

Tom Pauken, former Texas GOP chair and head of Gov. Perry’s, winte fling, The Texas Task Force on Appraisal Reform, wants you to remember he’s still important. Put appraisal reform on front burner. Appraisal reform is so 2006.

The 80th Texas Legislature has gotten off to an unusual start. Various controversies surrounding coal plants proposed by TXU, an executive order by the governor on the HPV vaccine, and the governor’s proposal to sell the lottery have captured most of the media’s attention in the early days of this regular session.
Still, the Legislature shouldn’t neglect to address the pressing need to reform our appraisal and property tax system.

The Texas Task Force on Appraisal Reform has proposed a comprehensive set of legislative and constitutional recommendations that deserve passage this year. Texans have waited long enough for action to address the “stealth tax” of skyrocketing appraisals and the resulting increases in property taxes across the state.

It’s over Tom. Thanks for your work, but with the problems they’re having busting the cap your Republican “leadership” is not going to take up another tax-swap.

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