
When The Going Gets Tough, Perry Goes To Dubai

Posted in Criminal Justice, 80th Legislature, Around The State at 12:10 pm by wcnews

Chairman of the Texas Democratic Party Boyd Richie has penned a letter to Lt. Gov. David Dwwhurst and is asking for Texans to sign on.

This week, Democrats and Republicans in the legislature joined together to demand that the TYC Board be replaced and the agency be put under an independent conservatorship. Governor Perry has ignored this bipartisan outcry for real reform and abandoned Texas’s troubled youth, instead embarking on a junket to Dubai, the new home of Halliburton, and Qatar.In Perry’s absence, the responsibility now rests in the hands of Lt. Governor David Dewhurst. As acting Governor, he has the power to do what jet-setter Rick Perry refused to do – appoint an independent conservator to straighten out the Texas Youth Commission and ensure the safety of all youth in their care, rather than the political safety of Republican officials.

I urge you to sign the attached letter and join both Democratic and Republican elected officials in demanding David Dewhurst take the necessary steps toward meaningful TYC reform. These abuses have gone on far too long, and there is no more time to waste. We need decisive action to reform and rebuild this troubled agency, and the Lt. Governor has a responsibility to act quickly.

Tell Lt. Gov. Dewhurst that it’s time to stop playing partisan politics with Texas youth and appoint an independent, non-partisan conservator to take over TYC and protect the health and safety of the kids under the agency’s care.

You can sign on and read the text of the letter HERE. Vince has more on Perry’s junket a Capitol Annex. Check out TexasKoas too, Now Gov. Perry is off to Dubai! On Corporations’ dime!.

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