
Tom DeLay Got Skewered On Meet The Press Yesterday

Posted in Commentary, Around The Nation at 10:08 am by wcnews

I stayed up late last night and watched the Midnight rerun of “Meet The Press” this morning on MSNBC. I’m glad I did. Tom DeLay may be a skilled backroom politician but his debate skills are weak and he’s no match for retired Navy Admiral Rep. Joe Sestak (D-PA), Think Progress has the video. It was almost painful to watch Tom DeLay’s use weak, well worn, 5 year-old GOP talking points in his meager attempt to make a case for keeping our soldiers and Marines in Iraq. Perle was just as bad. And little-Russ only pimped his new work of fiction once.

Rep. Joe Sestak and Tom Andrews of Win Without War did a great job. I think it’s great to have Tom DeLay on TV getting skewered like this. There were a couple of times I thought ‘ol Tom was going to cry. Rep. Sestak’s even measured tone through the debate served him very well. Hopefully we will get more even-handed debates like this on the Sunday shows now that Democrats are back in charge of Congress.

1 Comment »

  1. Tom Delay » Tom Delay March 19, 2007 12:18 pm said,

    March 19, 2007 at 11:28 am

    […] People Are Saying Tom DeLay Gets Skewered On Meet The Press Yesterday Tom DeLay may be a skilled backroom politician but his debate skills are weak and he?s no match for […]

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