
Social Security - America’s family protection plan

Posted in Around The Nation, Take Action, Uncategorized at 1:25 pm by wcnews

Obama: Take The New Deal #OffTheTable.

The simple truth is this: Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are the foundations of our economic security. That’s why we’re counting on President Obama to spare them from cuts as the Super Congress starts to debate the federal deficit. All he has to do is tell the truth: Social Security does not contribute a penny to the deficit, and its benefits should not be cut, including the Social Security COLA that keeps our benefits up to date with inflation.

As for Medicare? That’s simply a sacred trust with our parents and grandparents, while Medicaid is utterly crucial for seniors, women, children and people with disabilities.

It’s time to take Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid #OffTheTablefrom the Super Congress – and that’s the other 98% of America needs President Obama to start standing strong, and strengthening Social Security – not cutting it.

Sign the petition and watch the video.

“Social Security isn’t at risk, except from the people trying to destroy it”.

Further Reading:
Congressional Progressive Caucus Unveils the Rebuild the American Dream Framework.

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