
John McCain’s “Curved Talk” Weiner Mobile Is Coming To Texas

Posted in Around The Nation, Around The State at 2:26 pm by wcnews

The TDP is calling it the Double Talk Express but I like The Daily Show’s name for it better. Either way the TDP documents some of McCain’s most egregious “changes of opinion”:

McCain Then: John McCain has “long supported” public financing and spending limits on campaigns.

McCain Now: McCain’s campaign “is still studying whether to forgo the public financing and spending limits” and has said that he “will not be handicapped by restrictions his competitors will not face in 2008.”


McCain Then: “McCain the reformer relentlessly argued that six- and seven-figure ‘soft money’ checks that corporations, wealthy individuals and unions were giving to political parties to influence elections were corrupting American politics. ‘The voices of average Americans have been drowned out by the deafening racket of campaign cash,’ he warned just a few years ago.”

McCain Now: “McCain the candidate has enlisted some of the same GOP fundraising giants who created and flourished in the soft-money system…who earned their designations by raising at least $100,000 or $200,000 for his campaigns.”

This is worth noting and sad, but with McCain looking worse and worse by the day this might not matter very much.

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