
Cornyn Will Chance It On SCHIP

Posted in Around The State, Election 2008, Health Care, US Senate Race at 10:37 am by wcnews

Selby’s column in today’s AAS features the opinion of two political consultants that say, Cornyn[‘s] vote on kids’ health insurance might not hurt him.

U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, assured himself of being peppered when he voted against bolstering the Children’s Health Insurance Plan serving children of the working poor.

Even so, two political consultants insist that his position — rating a Democrat-steered approach too expensive and too expansive — won’t hurt him.

Todd Smith of Austin and Craig Murphy of Arlington should know. They coached then-state Rep. Arlene Wohlgemuth in her unsuccessful 2004 challenge to U.S. Rep. Chet Edwards, D-Texas.

There’s always a chance, I guess, that it may not, but it more than likely will. Tip to PinkDome who EOW agrees with 100%, this will hurt Cornyn. Of course whether it hurts him bad enough that he loses the election, only time will tell. But it appears Cornyn is willing to take that chance.

Wohlgemuth scrambled, Murphy suggested, because she wasn’t widely known before Edwards popped her. Cornyn shouldn’t have an identity problem, nor will he lack resources to deliver his message.

There definitely won’t be an identity problem for Cornyn. Trying to throw out the comparison with the Edwards/Wohlgemuth 2004 Congressional race, with the 2008 US Senate race, where health care will be one one of the top two or three issues, doesn’t wash. These consultants and Cornyn should be aware of the main lesson learned from the Wohlgemuth race - she is no longer an elected representative. Cornyn is already very unpopular, especially for an incumbent Senator, in what has been a GOP friendly state. It’s doubtful this will help those numbers.

If Cornyn wants to continue with this radical stance on children’s health care, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison voted for this plan, that the ever-shrinking base of the GOP loves, then more power to him. His reelect problem is not a problem of shoring up the GOP base. His problem is with Independents and moderates and this will do nothing to help with them.  If his consultants tell him that his stance on this issue won’t hurt his race for reelection, that will be just fine with Democrats in Texas.

The CPPP has the latest analysis on how the SCHIP reauthorization will help Texas, as well as Cornyn’s latest folly.


  1. Eye on Williamson » Is Selby Carrying Cornyn’s Water? said,

    October 12, 2007 at 9:38 am

    […] post at Postcards, Two Texans not quite spelling out CHIP deal, but…, taken in combination with his column from yesterday, give the appearance, at least to EOW, that he’s trying a little too hard - carrying […]

  2. Insurance » Cornyn Will Chance It On SCHIP said,

    October 13, 2007 at 4:33 pm

    […] wcnews wrote an interesting post today on Cornyn Will Chance It On SCHIPHere’s a quick excerptSelby’s column in today’s AAS features the opinion of two political consultants that say, Cornyn[’s] vote on kids’ health insurance might not hurt him. US Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, assured himself of being peppered when he voted … […]

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