
Is Selby Carrying Cornyn’s Water?

Posted in US Senate Race, Election 2008, Health Care, Commentary, Around The State at 9:38 am by wcnews

Gardener Selby’s at it again. This post at Postcards, Two Texans not quite spelling out CHIP deal, but…, taken in combination with his column from yesterday, gives the appearance, at least to EOW, that he’s trying a little too hard - carrying Cornyn’s water, so to speak - to make the case for Cornyn that the Senator’s stance on SCHIP isn’t as bad as most people think it is.

While Cornyn’s new found middle ground position, that the CPPP says still “hurts Texas”, would be better than the sustenance money the president proposed, the best option is still the BIPARTISAN compromise that’s already been worked out. What Cornyn’s attempt at a “compromise” on SCHIP shows is that he’s worried about his position on this regarding his upcoming reelection campaign, and is desperately in search of cover on this issue.

While it’s hard to believe that Cornyn and the CPPP would be the driving forces behind any SCHIP compromise, anything is possible. Selby must have mentioned the CPPP too much in his post because he had to give a “shout-out” to the leading Texas “wing-nut” think tank at the end of his post. Maybe EOW’s reading too much into this but it sure seems that Selby’s trying a little too hard to help Cornyn on SCHIP.


  1. remerson said,

    October 12, 2007 at 8:59 pm

    The Statesman and Cornyn have always had a “strange bedfellows” relationship; for all it’s rational positions on most of these humanitarian issues, the AAS periodically falls off the edge to support/defend individuals with whom, logically, one would expect them to disagree. Cornyn is one such individual. Consistently.

  2. wcnews said,

    October 12, 2007 at 10:15 pm

    I’ll agree that the AAS is not the stalwart of the “so-called liberal media” it once was. Selby has been a less than stellar replacement for Dave McNeely as their political columnist.

    They made a decision to try and be more “fair and balanced” and it shows.

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