
Maldonado Out-Raises All Candidates In HD-52

Posted in HD-52, Election 2008, 2008 Primary, Williamson County at 12:08 am by wcnews

Diana Maldonado, Democratic candidate to for HD-52, not only raised the most money of all the candidates in the fourth quarter, but outraised all the other candidates combined. Maldonado raised just shy of $49,000, $48,919 to be exact. Her opponents combined to raise a little more than $20,000.

The vast majority of Maldonado’s contributions came in small amounts from individual donors. This shows that she’s garnering the support of the people in her district to take back HD-52 for the Democrats. While this is a great start, Maldonado will need to continue raising money at a good clip. Once the GOP chooses their candidate, they will more than likely be well financed, in a effort to keep a seat for Speaker Craddick.

Of the Republicans, Bryan Daniel raised the most bringing in almost $15,000. Two notable contributions, Bobby Gierisch who used to work for Speaker Pete Laney, gave him $100. And Hillco PAC, closely affiliated with Tom Craddick and toll roads, gave him $1,000. More than likely this means he’s the Craddick and toll road-sanctioned candidate in this race.

Dee Hobbs raised a little over $5,000. The only notable thing in his report was an expense to the political consulting firm KC strategies, who counts Williamson County Attorney Jana Duty and others among their clients.

The two remaining candidates, John Gordon and Viv Sullivan, raised $350 and $650, respectively. Gordon’s filing showed over $4,000 in loans to himself. The only thing interesting in Sullivan’s report was a loan from her husband for the filing fee.

If money and consulting were all that mattered, it would appear to be a race between Daniel and Hobbs. While Daniel appears to be the Craddick candidate in this race, Craddick will obviously court whoever the eventual GOP winner is.

This first report shows that Diana Maldonado is off to a great start in her journey to bring Democratic representation back to Williamson County.


  1. Texas Progressive Alliance Round Up Jan 21 | BlueBloggin said,

    January 21, 2008 at 8:35 am

    […] at Eye On Williamson points out that Democrat Diana Maldonado Out-Raises All Candidates In HD-52 and shows the problem with one-party government in ACLU Shames WCCC - Free Speech Under […]

  2. Eye on Williamson » Texas Blog Round Up (January 21, 2008) said,

    January 21, 2008 at 9:42 pm

    […] at Eye On Williamson points out that Democrat Diana Maldonado Out-Raises All Candidates In HD-52 and shows the problem with one-party government in ACLU Shames WCCC - Free Speech Under […]

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