
Texas Blog Round Up (January 21, 2008)

Posted in Around The State, Commentary at 9:42 pm by wcnews

It’s Sunday night again and that means it’s time for another weekly roundup of Texas Progressive Alliance blogs. This week’s roundup is brought to you by Steve at WhosPlayin while Vince recovers from his wild weekend of covering the AFL-CIO Convention

WhosPlayin takes a look at a spoof website that has turned a Denton County Commissioner’s race ugly.

John Coby cautions Houston City Council about Houstonians for Responsible Growth.

BossKitty at Bluebloggin points out how Dick Cheney show his loyalty toward the people who are suppose to take a bullet for him; Secret Service Takes The Fall - Cheney Not To Be Inconvenienced

A report of the SDEC meeting posted by PDiddie at Brains and Eggs drew a response from several quarters.

McBlogger looks at Rep Dawnna Dukes’ conflict of interest in helping the film industry and wonders if she’s truly non-committal in the Speaker’s race.

On The Texas Blue, contributing writer David Gurney takes a look at the short-lived influence of the Baby Boomer era on politics in The Downhill Run.

Off the Kuff says it’s time for C.O. Bradford to start speaking out about the various messes Chuck Rosenthal has created at the Harris County DA’s office.

The Texas Cloverleaf informs everyone about the TTC Townhall 2.0 hearings have begun. If you care where TTC 69 is going, you best attend for your voice to be heard.

WCNews at Eye On Williamson points out that Democrat Diana Maldonado Out-Raises All Candidates In HD-52 and shows the problem with one-party government in ACLU Shames WCCC - Free Speech Under Attack.

Stace at Dos Centavos analyzes the Latino vote for Hillary in Nevada.

Gary at Easter Lemming Liberal News still can’t believe what has happened to what was once Houston’s premiere radio news source. The new Republican Propaganda Radio Network had Rush Limbaugh calling a spade a spade with expertise with using hoes. Gary provides alternatives for your radio listening and a contact link to KTRH 740 AM.

CouldBeTrue from South Texas Chisme answers the question ‘What does ‘immigration’ mean as an issue?’

Hal at Half Empty ventured forth to a meeting of The Dark Side. Here is his take on the 10-Candidate strong CD 22 GOP candidates’ forum that took place last week.

Nat-Wu at ThreeWise Men says reports of the death of the American”warrior spirit” are greatly exaggerated.

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