
Hutto City Council wants “ironclad implementation provisions” at landfill

Posted in Commissioners Court, Landfill, Williamson County at 12:29 am by wcnews

The Hutto City Council on Thursday unanimously passed a resolution stating “that unless..ironclad commitments for responsible design, use and operation of an expanded Williamson County landfill are agreed to” the county should kill the expansion of the landfill. From the Hutto Citizens Group press release on the resolution:

By a unanimous vote, the Hutto City Council passed a Resolution Tuesday night calling on Williamson County to kill its landfill expansion application if it is unable to produce an acceptable site plan with ironclad implementation provisions.

The Resolution, which contains 12 “WHEREAS” paragraphs, outlines the city’s frustration over
being ignored regarding the county’s failure to produce a guaranteed landfill design that would not adversely impact Hutto’s northern growth corridor.

The full press release and text of the resolution can be read here [.pdf]. Unfortunately it’s doubtful this late in the process this will have any influence on the WCGOP commissioners. The recent election, where both commissioners up for reelection were returned to the court, was surely seen by the court as voters sanctioning how they’ve been governing. The landfill looks like another casualty of unaccountable government in Williamson County.

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